In-service training is an on-going thing in Sunflower School for capacity building. The Good Books says you cannot give what you don’t have. Management believes that in order to keep our teachers abreast with modern methods of teaching, in-service training in the school as well as workshops outside of the school are the best way forward to enhance a teacher’s ability.
Over the years the teachers have benefited tremendously from reputable In-service training organizations. Examples are Synergy Consultancy. G.A.T.E Institute, Vaughan Center for Autism, Wilson Ammon Educational Consult (UEW) and many more.
Our teachers are supervised to ensure that the prescribed curriculum and syllabus is used alongside other complementary books in order to give a wide experience to the children.
Our teachers are also encouraged to pursue further studies in their free time. At the moment we have one teacher doing a post graduate degree, another finishing her first degree in Education and a third who is pursuing the Early Childhood diploma course in art.